Works prices and costs
Find below estimated prices that allow you to get an idea of the price of your works. These estimated prices are averages observed in United States. These estimates may have differences up to 50% or more compared to a real quote. This very important difference results from the multitude of options and materials available in any site, and the difficulties that may arise.
This is why we strongly recommend to request an estimate for two reasons : first, the contractors you'll encounter will help you to refine your project and to avoid errors which can be costly. Next, you will have an estimate closer to reality and you will be able also to bring down prices by comparing quotes.
Addition : additon cost estimates per square foot.
Air conditioning prices - Air conditioning & air cleaning costs
Architect :10 to 17% of the entire budget of the building project.
Automatic sprinkler : watering installation costs.
Deck costs : prices turn around $40 per square foot.
Garage building costs - Carport - Garage remodeling - Garage door
Gutter costs : linear foot prices
home construction - Home improvement
Kitchen remodels : a wide range of prices.
Landscaping : square foot prices for the different landscaping works.
Radiator costs : cast iron and aluminium radiator prices.
Renovation costs : detail of average prices for different kinds of works.
siding costs : prices per square foot for vinyl, wood, ... siding works.
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